(Catch up with Part One and Part Two first!) (Or continue with Part Four!) Welcome back, makers and innovators! This is Part 3 of our Badge Challenge blog series, detailing the development of our Root3 Labs "Smart Badge". We've already explored the early design...
Blogs & Insights
The Badge Challenge Blog Series: Part Two
If you missed Part 1 of the Badge Challenge, check it out here! -Or continue with Part 3 of the Badge Challenge here. Negotiating design details is always tricky, but especially when the electrical and mechanical teams have different priorities. But with this project,...
The Johns Hopkins University BioTrek Student Tour
Thanks to the Johns Hopkins University students who came to tour Root3 Labs! As part of the Medical Device and Biotech Industry Professional Development Boot Camp and Trek Intercession course at Johns Hopkins University, the students were able to connect directly with...
The Badge Challenge Blog Series: Part One
Continue with Part Two here! Picture this: a sleek, futuristic name badge that has a pulse oximeter, displays dynamic data, and connects you to your peers. That’s not science fiction – it’s the brainchild of Root3 Labs’ engineering team, and it came to life in just...
A Look Inside: MarinsMedLLC’s Clear Covering
Have you ever wanted to look inside of a mechanical pencil and see how it effortlessly grabs the lead and feeds it out with every plasticky click? Or maybe you’re fascinated by mechanical watches that have a clear enclosure allowing you to see the internal gear...
Our Candy Bridge Building Competition
As part of our 2023 Holiday festivities, Root3 Labs held a candy bridge-building competition! Our talented engineers split into 3 teams to put their skills to the test. The teams were all given identical ingredients and thirty minutes on the clock to build their best...
Funding & Tax Resources for Manufacturers in Maryland
As an engineering research and development company, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest tax incentives and tax resources for manufacturers in Maryland. Whether you're a startup or long-established business, taking advantage of these...
The BeagleV-Ahead vs Raspberry Pi
In less than a lifetime, we went from computers that filled an entire room to devices that fit in our pockets. While 'pocket-sized devices' may conjure images of modern smartphones, what I’m really talking about are single-board computers better known as...
Root3 Labs Dives Deep into Dip Molding
Rachel describes the dip molding process and addresses the advantages and disadvantages of the manufacturing technique.
Custom Crating by Root3 Labs
Let's talk logistics! It's not often the most obvious element of running a business, but the logistics behind getting projects ready to ship can be critical. Something as simple as boxing up a piece of equipment may require careful deliberation and precise execution...
Innovation Through Collaboration
In the realm of technological innovation, collaborations often hold the key to unlocking new possibilities. For fellow entrepreneurs in the technology corridor, collaborative partnerships with more established entities can help propel you to the next level. The...
Maryland Tech Council’s Meet the Member Event, Hosted by Root3 Labs!
Last week's Meet the Member event organized by the Maryland Tech Council was a huge success! The event was attended by over 60 tech enthusiasts, industry experts, and budding entrepreneurs! Attendees got to meet and engage with five of Root3 Labs' spotlighted clients,...