Sam Stolarz
Computer & Software Engineer
A native Marylander, Sam’s first real opportunity to toy with technology was in Maryland’s Public School CCNA vocational program. Her natural aptitude and inquisitive nature then led to an IT internship with her county’s school system. Although she seemed destined for a career in the arts, Sam entered the engineering program at Virginia Tech and earned her degree in computer engineering. For the first 15 years, her Embedded Engineering career has concentrated on Telecommunications and Software Defined Radio, and still spanned a multitude of arenas including UAVs, Critical Infrastructure, EW & SIGINT, Cybersecurity, Reverse Engineering, and Networking.
At home, Sam enjoys games of all types, puzzles, nature-learning, and finding new uses for old things – as well as finding excuses to use tools – when she’s not chasing one (or all!) of her kids. Leaving a research-oriented atmosphere, she has joined Root3 Labs, excited to focus on real-world puzzles and cultivate her tools-skills.

Last Big Project?
Sanded, painted, and finally finished the kids’ treehouse!
Current Hobbies
It’s all pretty vintage. Playing SNES with her kids, listening to audiobooks on a discman, and reading the print Sunday newspaper.
Throwback Fun Fact!
Joined the boys’ high school wrestling team, going on to wrestle in post-season girls freestyle tournaments and earning a national rank for her weight class. (Was also classmates with Michael Phelps.)